Exam preparation courses - Dante Alighieri Siena - Siena Italy

If you want to be prepared specifically for the PLIDA exam, our Italian partner school in Siena offers just the right course! This two-week course is designed for participants who are needing the PLIDA "Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri" certificate in Italian. This imaginatively designed course will prepare you for the exam using practice exam papers providing you with the best possible chance of achieving the results you want. You can benefit immensely from the experience of our colleagues and Italian teachers on this preparation course which is accredited by the "Università La Sapienza" in Rome.

The PLIDA certificate is recognised internationally as proof of your Italian language ability. In order to make the course as effective as possible, the lessons are held in small groups with a maximum of 5 participants. In addition to exam preparation, you can take part in the cultural and social activities of the school to consolidate your Italian language outside the classroom.

You may wish to combine this course with one of our general Italian language courses that take place in the mornings so that you make the most of your time here in Siena.