Florence, in the heart of Tuscany, has been one of the most popular cities in which to learn Italian for years. The city's incredible charm attracts students of all age groups and nationalities! Learning Italian in Florence offers the optimal combination of studying the language and experiencing life in Italy at its finest. Our language trips always include insight into the local culture and lifestyle. Our schools in Florence are centrally located.
Experience "La Dolce Vita" and the vibrancy of this small but incredibly fascinating city, use your Italian skills when you walk to the market, shop at one of the many leather stores, sip your cappuccino in a café or explore the many museums and Cathedrals!
Florence is the perfect place to learn Italian. The spoken language is free of dialect and the language spoken here is considered to be linguistically perfect. Whether you'd like to combine your language course with an extensive cultural programme or just want to focus on the language itself, Florence is surely the right choice for you!